Ensiksi kysely: Suomeksi, englanniksi vai ruotsiksi? Tää tulee nyt vuorostaan enkuks ennenku saan lopullisesti päätettyä.
First of all for all readers: Finnish, English or Swedish?
Last week in school this year! Two exams and it's over! December is going to be preparing, partying, travelling, working and relaxing.. No more school! I just hope I'm going to pass those two exams.. Haven't been in the mood for studying with my crazy friends and this f#ck!ng cough :( Coughing my lungs off..
Last week already got some paperwork done for my exchange. It seems quite easy now right now. Not that much work to do before going that I was afraid. Just some papers needs to be filled but it's ok when you just do it.
Now I'm gone... But "I'll be back" :D Not sure about the language though.. Tell me!