sunnuntai 3. toukokuuta 2009


Here again!
After traveling there was couple days for work&studies. I started working at Ericsson. Not much to say about work yet, after just two days.. Introduction, introduction, introduction.. But basically it's going to be more or less just the same as last year in Flander. Otherwise atmosphere at Ericsson is really nice! I had some doubts about HUUGE company and spirit in there, but new building and not so big testing-team gives nice touch!

Wappu! Vappen! Valborg! - pick yours.
Valborg celebration in Gothenburg wasn't so huge party as it is in Finland... Way more traditional maybe, but somehow I got a feeling that there wasn't that much people having really out-of-mind-parties like in Finland. Maybe it's because culture?
Basically I spent Valborg outdoors in +25 degrees, sun shining from cloudless sky. We had me, Andreas, Brian and various amount of Finnish exchange students.. Had quite a Finnish night at the end. But I liked it !
And wehey! Found a place where Teekkarilakki is not actually a notification "stay away" but an attraction for girls!! kinda scary.. or maybe it was just me? ;)

More about Valborg.. Chalmers Cortegé is the thing at Valborg in Gothenburg. pics can be found from: . Like a Härwelikulkue back in Tampere... slightly bigger :)

Now it's time for work, studies.. :) peace!

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